Where does the time go!?

I miss writing. I know I say it every time I take a good long break from the blogisphere but I do!  My brain has turned into complete mush over the past year and a half. Granted we have been BUSY but I also haven’t wanted to come here. With my personal time I have been watching trash youtube videos and Bravo TV. I just haven’t wanted to write or organize or be every semi-productive with my time. With that being said, today I woke up at 5:20am due to a little girl shaking her gate and decided I didn’t want to go back to sleep. I came downstairs and did what I have been doing every day for the past 8 months…I opened my computer and started up (or down) the youtube rabbit hole. There was a little voice all morning long saying to me “do something worthwhile” and another voice telling me “you deserve this time to do as you please”. It’s the only time in my day away from my kids where I actually feel awake and calm and like doing something. But alas, I don’t do anything and just wait anxiously for someone to come down the stairs. You see, it’s been so long that I can actually count on a few minutes to myself in the mornings that I think I feel like a kid in a candy store. I get overwhelmed and know that I only have a few precious minutes and don’t want to start something because inevitably I’ll have to stop once the kids get up and that frustrates me to no end so I choose to do nothing. For example, I opened up this computer today around 5:55-6am and I’m not even joking you, the second I started my first sentence I heard Aubrey get up!  I went to grab her have continued to write. In the meantime Both Campbell and Emmett have come down and it’s now 6:12am and I need to wrap up shop. Anyhow, this felt really good just to write about nothing this morning. I’ll end with a few updated photos.